Work with Su - Simple Solutions Su
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Work with Su

Coaching Success Package (Platinum)

If you want to make a change in your life and make sure it lasts, then this Coaching package is for you.

It’s my most popular package because it doesn’t matter if you know what it is you want to change, or you just know you want your life to be different. This package gives me enough time to get to the root of the issue and give you the tools you need to make those important lasting changes.

The Success Package includes
10 x 60-minute coaching sessions, plus any relevant course material and unlimited email correspondence.

Coaching Growth Package (Silver)

Designed for people that would like help in overcoming one or two issues such as aligning with their values, gaining clarity, removing the feeling of being ‘stuck’ and/or help in time management.

The Growth Package includes
5 x 60-minute coaching sessions, plus any relevant course material and unlimited email correspondence.

Coaching Single Sessions (Bronze)

I rarely work with clients for just one session as I need longer than that to understand you and help you achieve whatever it is you’re aiming for.

In saying that, if you do want one strategy session to brainstorm ideas, I will do what I can to help in such a limited time.

Best suited for people who want some Strategies, involving Motivation, Refocusing or Prioritising Specific Goals

You will receive 1 call every fortnight via Phone or Skype over 6 months

You will receive 1 call every fortnight via Phone or Skype over 3 months

You will receive 1 call via

Phone or Skype

Workshop Packages

These are designed for business Owners or Managers who are looking to improve areas within their business.

Examples of areas you may want to workshop:

  • Motivation in the Workplace
  • Time Management / Organisation Skills
  • Clarity of Vision & Values
  • Personalities and how they can enhance interaction between staff & customers
  • Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership Skills & Styles
  • Improved Sales / Presentation Skills / Techniques
  • Conflict Resolution

There are a variety of Workshop Packages available depending on your requirements. To discuss your specific needs, Click Below!

Coaching VIP Package (Gold)

This is aimed at Business Owners or Managers who want to build a long-lasting relationship working across multiple areas.

Examples of areas you may need assistance with:

  • Getting Unstuck and moving in the right direction both personally and in your career / business
  • Integrating your Personal Values into your business to make work more fulfilling & build better relaitonships
  • Help with Accountability – it’s not always easy when there’s nobody driving you
  • Having somebody who has a wealth of business experience to Bounce Ideas off
  • Managing stress and Work / Life Balance

A calendar year gives us the chance to create an amazing partnership and tackle any issue head on. As well as move beyond any barriers that crop up over the next year that maybe holding you back from experiencing success.

The VIP Package includes 20 x 60-minute coaching sessions, plus course material and unlimited email correspondence.

You will receive face to face sessions or any other arrangement that has been agreed upon

You will receive 1 call every fortnight via Phone or Skype over 12 months