Leadership & Business Coaching - Simple Solutions Su
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Leadership & Business Coaching

I provide Leadership & Business Coaching for:


  • Small Business Owners looking to enhance their skill-set and increase their bottom line
  • Managers in Business with a focus on optimising team performance
  • Motivated Individuals looking to enhance their career opportunities


It is a collaborative, individualised relationship between a leader and their coach — the leader could be an executive, manager, supervisor, team leader or business owner — anyone in charge or responsible for a business or group of people. Leadership coaching is more aligned to meet organisational needs; however, it tends to have a flow on effect in ALL areas.

In most leadership coaching situations, the real objective is to help successful people become even more efficient. Effective coaches go to great lengths to emphasise the unique talents and abilities of clients as well as emphasise their potential.

It’s about challenging individuals and helping them change behaviours that no longer serve them.

It’s about encouraging clients to be open to change, to step-up, and to be more responsible for their actions.

A great coach will identify when blockages appear. Sometimes a person is too close to an idea or project and has trouble distancing themselves to see the bigger picture. A coach isn’t emotionally attached to any idea or project, they can quickly dissect the problem, point out the areas that need correction or improvement, & develop plans and strategies for a more successful outcome.

Not surprisingly, leadership coaching improves the bottom line.


If you are a small business owner I understand how isolated and difficult it can be at the top. It can be a struggle with tremendous burdens, carrying the responsibility for the success of a business on your shoulders. Therefore, as your coach I will find practical ways to improve your Leadership, the Performance of your business and the People you manage.


“Su has developed a reliable and systematic approach for identifying the issues at the heart of the business. She is masterful at creating strategies to engage and align staff into a unified, motivated team who are willing to be accountable for their results.”


I will consider all possible variables and outside influence’s to make sure you stay on track and succeed. Bring out qualities that you may have never known you had and allow you to dig deep and reach your maximum potential. I will Help, Impact & Inspire you to take your business & life to the next level.

Be the guiding light for you!


Would you like to or are you looking to enhance any of these areas?

  • How to Set Goals & actually Achieve them
  • Develop a more Effective Leadership style or manner
  • Improve Interpersonal or Communication skills
  • Speed up Personal Development
  • Setup your day for Success
  • Find that elusive Work / Life Balance
  • Understand Priority setting and improve Time Management
  • Learn proven Strategies for Success
  • Deal with Conflict in a positive way
  • Recognise and implement Effective Staff Development
  • Strengthen Self-Confidence, Assertiveness and Well-Being
  • Pinpoint errors in your Execution whether Great or Small, which can have Dramatic             Results

I promise to offer you an informal, friendly and supportive environment, away from the hustle and bustle of business. This will allow us to work through issues and develop effective and practical strategies to move you forward with your business and personal development.
Learn more about Packages Available or to request your non-obligatory Strategy Session click the Apply Now button.