About - Simple Solutions Su
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Su Allen is passionate about empowering women in leadership roles to develop their leadership skills, while smashing through obstacles & limiting beliefs. She inspires individuals to create the worthwhile future they dream about and feel like their making a real difference in the world.


Growing and enhancing her skills are two key ingredients that have led to Su working numerous management roles, across a variety of industries. She has implemented efficient systems and is able to continuously grow a business through Building Strong Relationships and Streamlining Work Practices that yield profitable results.


On her journey she has uncovered similarities in workplaces that create a never ending cycle of problems, and these are costing businesses countless amounts of time and money…. she has decided to make a stand!  


Su has made it her life mission to help CEO’s & Managers build Better Relationships and Transform Cultures so they can create workplaces where people:

  • Feel Valued
  • Enjoy coming to work
  • Can authentically grow
  • Consistently meet targets, and
  • Genuinely work towards business success


She believes it is time to break down the barriers to organisational development and tackle conflicts in workplaces head on, and with her extensive experience she understands the key areas to focus on.


Su is masterful at helping create a Vision of what’s possible and developing Action plans that challenge individuals to move beyond limitations, comfort zones & fears that are often holding them back from taking the decisive action and achieving the success they desire.


A firm believer of leading by example, each strategy and plan developed has come from the wealth of previous practical application that will ensure success.


It hasn’t always been roses for Su, she has suffered her fair share of setbacks; losing the sight in one eye, a crippling back injury and overcoming childhood fears just to name a few. Overcoming these has given her the practical skills to overcome any obstacle that life throws.


In fact, Su is truly Grateful each has occurred!

These setbacks have enabled her to develop other necessary skills where she can connect with individuals on a deeper level, which in turn has made her a more Effective Leader and Passionate Coach.

She has, and will continue to face every challenge presented head on, and focus on converting problems into opportunities to learn/grow.


To learn more about working with Su and Packages on offer head over to Work With Su, or head over to Coaching to discover more about what is involved.



Su works with motivated individuals that are looking for simple and effective ways to take control of their business & future.

If in your heart you know the time has come to convert problems into opportunities, drive business growth and get comfortable with problem solving then you’re in the right place.

Contact Today.